
John Piper on Feminism’s influence on gender roles

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What are your thoughts? Agree or Disagree 😀

Invest In the Truth

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During the early years of our marriage, my husband worked at a bank.  He shared with me that when the bank tellers were being trained to recognize counterfeit money, they had to spend hours and hours studying, not the fake money, but the real one.  The logic behind this was that if you have studied and learned to recognize the truth when you see or hear it, you will not be fooled by the lie when it tries to sway you.  I began to think about this in regards to discipleship and this blog.  I am relatively new to blogging and am still working to develop a voice within Joyfully Submitted.  This morning, as I was reading in Proverbs, I came across these scriptures again and decided to pause here.  When I started Joyfully Submitted, it was with the intent (and still is with this intent) to interact with women of all ages who have struggled or are currently struggling with the whole ‘submission’ thing.  I have been particularly sensitive to this area because I used to be one of ‘those’ women, and at times, if I am not very careful to guard my heart, I will find that I am still one of them.  In my heart and mind I had envisioned myself writing/blogging about the horrid impact of the feminist movement, and the many wars we have to fight in our own hearts to rid it of the poison that’s ben infused into our lives via the media, and the movement.  I planned to confront the lies that we’ve been told a lot with the Truth that we have heard very little.  And I planned to present a gracious, loving, compassionate and straightforward view of my own struggle and journey to this place called ‘Submission’.  But I haven’t done that, at least not the way I imagined. But then I began to think that if I invest all of my time discussing and seeking a better understanding of all of the things that are in opposition to God’s Word, and write about that, we will all be better equipped with the knowledge of the lie, than we are with the knowledge of the truth.  But if we want to be genuinely equipped with the truth and how to defend it against the lies, we must study Truth.  Doesn’t that make sense?  If Christ is Lord of our lives, shouldn’t we study His Word more than we do the words of any other?



Let’s take a look at the topic of submission in marriage in light of this.  Could it be that the reason we struggle with submitting is because we have the world’s definition of it in our minds and hearts and not the Lords definition?  The picture painted by His Word is beautiful, and peaceful, and joyful. But when we come at our marital relationships from the wrong direction or with the wrong viewpoint, we end up with something that isn’t pleasing and is full of contention, dissension and despair. On the contrary, in a Godly marriage, we see hearts genuinely grow closer, and two truly become one over time.  However, in a marriage, even a ‘Christian’ one, that does not have a Christ-centered worldview (I know, how is it then classified as ‘christian’?) of marriage, we see bitterness set in and hearts become cold and distant over time.  What would it look like if we applied more of the Truth to our marriages than we do the lie?  What would our marriages look like if we sought to emulate the character and the heart that Christ has displayed towards us towards our spouses? I know the answer! They would look different than they do now!!!! They wouldn’t look like the relationships we see in the world that lack victory over sin!! They would look like God’s Word says they should…we would look like God’s Word says we should…We would look like OVERCOMERS!!! What about the parenting of our children? What would that look like if we applied more of the Truth of Scripture to that process and to the understanding and methods that we implore on our journey towards Godly parenting? WOW!!! Can you imagine? I can… And this is what I want to blog about…the Truth…and how it applies to ALL aspects of our lives. We can be Joyfully Submitted to our husbands when we are Joyfully Submitted to the Lord.  But how do we do that every day, and in every situation? God’s Word is KEY…and not just reading it, but applying it.  I pray that you enjoy the posts on this blog, but I pray more that you are encouraged and challenged in your relationship with God and others.  Please let me know if this blog has an impact on your life. 🙂 I would love to hear what God is doing in your life…how He’s helping you to become more like Christ. Until next time, enjoy being Joyfully Submitted!




Moderately Healthy but OVERwhelmingly Good!

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These are the DELICIOUS cupcakes that my girls made a couple of days ago!!! They used a standard cake mix, and simply blended fresh strawberries to the whipped icing, and garnished with slices of strawberries and crushed almonds.  While this did not quite fit into our healthy lifestyle, we definitely enjoyed looking at them as well as eating them.  And I was proud of them for displaying a little creativity with their baking, and for having a great relationship in which they have chosen to resist the urge to follow cultural trends in regards to sibling rivalry, and instead have chosen to cultivate a genuine sisterhood.  In other words, when they’re not mad about something, they hang out together, even though there are 5 years between them.  Rather than focussing on the difference in age, they have found several things they have in common; their nails, their hair…and baking cupcakes!

My girls today...or at least in the more recent past 😀

My girls ages 8 and 3


Brick by Brick. Book by Book.

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While this is a much-loved and often quoted passage of scripture, sometimes it may seem a little obscure.  We have all heard/read that “a wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.”  Our first thought upon hearing/reading this was probably, “Who would tear down their own home?” But this verse isn’t talking about the physical building that we live in, it’s talking about the lives that inhabit that building.  As women, wives, and mothers we must realize that our attitudes, our words, our actions have an unbelievable impact on the shaping of the attitudes, words, and actions of those we are the closest to, primarily our husbands and our children.  If we are displaying attitudes, saying words, and behaving in ways that are not supported by Scripture, or that do not accurately depict the life of a believer as outlined in God’s Word, then we are, indeed, tearing our homes down with our own hands.  As a wife of 17.5 years and a homeschooling mom of four, boy am I aware of this.  My family has always been greatly impacted by my actions and my words.  As my children have gotten older, I have found myself having to humble myself and ask their forgiveness for things I said or did when they were younger.  Where I may not have been aware of it in the moment that it was said or done, God has a way of allowing you to flashback to where the seed of an observed behavior or attitude was sown into their hearts.

There are several attitudes/perspectives that I held when they were young that were not supported by Scripture, and when they displayed the same attitude or voiced the same perspective and I was offended, I remembered that they learned that from me. I have learned over the years that the best way to build our homes is to begin and end with God’s Word.  Until I have exhausted all 66 books and the Wisdom and principles found within, and it is committed to memory I don’t have time to teach my kids my own perspectives or opinions.  I realized that as long as I placed my opinions and beliefs before or above God’s Word, I was constantly in a state of tearing my home down and never getting to where I was building it up.  As long as I placed a ‘but’ after teaching what God’s Word required, I was tearing down my home with my own hands.  Never was this more apparent than in my marriage.  How many times did I think I was right and he was wrong, and use that to justify an ungodly attitude towards my husband?  How often was my refusal to submit graciously the result of sinful pride? How many times did I find myself saying, I know I’m supposed to submit, but not when he’s wrong!”?  And how often did I see my children begin to pick up and copy the same behaviors and attitudes that I displayed? I have also learned that when we do it God’s way to begin with, there is so much less backtracking and repenting and apologizing to do.  I have made many mistakes, and at times, have been the one destroying my ‘home’ from within, and I have also learned that God’s grace is a healing balm and that Love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).  When we realize that what we have or have not done greatly and directly impacts the lives and heath of our families, and we turn from our way of parenting or our views of marriage and adopt God’s views, God in His grace and mercy gives us a do-over so to speak.  We find that as we begin to sow God’s Word and not our own, the old attitudes, words and behaviors that we displayed and that may be being copied, begin to be replaced with the fruit of righteousness.  Our children and our husbands begin to respond and not only display grace and compassion towards each other, but to us as well.  As we apologize and admit our errors, they learn to forgive and cycles are broken.  As we begin to go through the Word of God with our children, they begin to develop an understanding of what God requires.  As we begin to humbly submit and read God’s Word with our husbands, they learn how to love us the way Christ loved the church, and we learn to respect and honor them.

 The feminist movement was right in one thing.  We do have the power to change the world, but it’s not the way they have said.  In our efforts to gain …everything…we have forsaken the things that God freely gave us. I agree that we do have the power to change the world, but I don’t agree with the feminist ways of doing that.  Our primary place of influence is in our homes, shaping the minds and impacting the worldviews of our families. What does it serve the Kingdom of God if we look great on the outside; if our shutters are painted and the deck stained and the grass trimmed and cut; but the inside, meaning our families, are filled with dissension and anger and pride and unforgiveness.

God left an instruction manual for every believer, and it has a 100% success rate when followed.  As we search for building materials for the construction of our ‘families’ all over the web, and in books and at conferences, don’t forsake the 66 books He left just for us.  Let’s apply them to our own lives, at the same time instilling a love and respect for them in our children.  How does a wise woman build her house?  Brick by brick, or should I say, Book by Book.  And how do we tear it down with our own hands?  By using our own thinking and reasoning and opinions/attitudes/mindsets in place of the Wisdom found only in Gods Word.  This is a daily commitment and not an easy undertaking, but when we choose to build with the supplies God has given us, the building project goes a lot smoother, and we are always pleased with the results!

Let me know if you have made the commitment to build your home with the materials found in God’s Word, and if there is anything you would like me to pray with you about. I would love to hear if this post has encouraged you in some way. Please feel free to leave a comment and perhaps encourage others at the same time!

Looking Forward to hearing from you!


My Babies Did Not Call To Say Goodnight…or Goodmorning!

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This year my wonderful husband and I will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary.  Last night we experienced a much-needed ‘date’ night.  Our four children were spending the night with my older sister and brother-in-law, and my youngest nephew.  They had been looking forward to this visit for at least two weeks, and trust me when I say, they were dropped off, and did not look back! 😀  When I woke up this morning and realized that they had not called to say goodnight, and neither did we, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad.  Oh, I knew they were having crazy fun. I had heard an update that involved a bonfire, sloppy joe, Oreo’s and Chips Ahoy, all topped off by Uncle Carl’s legendary Root beer Floats! (Kayla insists that NOBODY makes them better!) I imagined an all-nighter with lots of laughter, couple with a fair share of disagreements surrounding whatever video game that was being played.  But we hadn’t said goodnight. As a matter of fact, I had not heard either of their voices in almost 18 hours!!!! So, I called. 😀

When I spoke to Kayla, our oldest, she was washing dishes…and sounded pleasant..(why do we enjoy chores at someones elses home more than we do at our own?)  We talked for a few minutes…just long enough to give me the run down on the evenings events and to tell me that she had no idea where her little sister was.  She knew she was there…somewhere.  I felt better. And then Leah, our youngest, called her mom! And I smiled….. She’s a big girl, but she sounded so little on the phone.  It’s funny, they seem so mature at home. and we interact with them, sometimes, as if they are so much older than they are.  But then they go away, and we hear their voices, and perspective is altered.

To some of you, I may sound a little weird.  My kids are not babies anymore.  In the picture above, Leah was 2, Jordan was 4, Isaiah was 6, and Kayla was 7.  That was 10 years ago!!! But they are still my babies.  With homeschooling, I feel like I’m with them at all times, and for the most part I am.  And sometimes we just need a little space or distance.  Not because we don’t like each other or need a ‘break’ from each other, but so that our perspective can be readjusted.  That’s what happens with a simple over-nighter.  I see them more clearly.  I appreciate their humor and their little idiosyncracies.  And I miss them.  We have such a small amount of time with them before they are gone and living the lives that, hopefully, we prepared them for.  I truly want as much time with them as i can get.  We are winding up our ninth year of homeschooling and I still have at least 20 years worth of stuff I want to teach them!  But they’re not babies anymore …and no more am I aware of that than I am when they go away from home, even for one night, and call home! Kayla will soon be a licensed driver soon.  Isaiah will be a JUNIOR in highschool next year!!!! Jordan will be a freshman in highschool next year. And my Leah will be officially JUST ONE YEAR away from being a TEENAGER!!! And they did not call to say goodnight.  And I just got word from my sister that it’s looking like they want to stay another night!! Through all of this, you may be wondering why I experienced any distress about this at all? Obviously they are in great hands, right? I mean, who better to pinch hit for us than my sister and brother-in-law?  And the kids are obviously having fun and doing well. So what’s the problem? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! You’re absolutely correct!!!! THEY are just fine! But, I miss my babies.  And I realize that no matter how old or big they are, they will always be my babies! Kayla will always be my first baby, Isaiah will always be my first baby boy (9lbs 2oz – 6’1 220lbs at 15), Jordan will always be my baby boy (who brought a smile to my heart after the passing of my dad just 2 months prior to his birth), and Leah will always be my last baby (the one not born of my womb but of my heart).  And I love spending time with them.  They are hilarious and irritating and brilliant and infuriating!!!!! ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!! And they will always be my babies.

So, while my husband is outside replacing the brakes on the car, and my kids are away, possibly for another night, I am sharing my heart with all (or just a few) of you.  I am smiling as I write this.  Life has so many unforseen things in store for us.  In the last 2 weeks two women who I know have buried their sons.  Neither one of them saw it coming.  I may sound a little strange as I ramble on, but I encourage you to spend as much time with your children as possible.  Are there any moms out there that understand or agree??? Maybe you have the desire to spend more time, but the demands of life won’t stop pulling at you long enough for you to be able to. Either way, wherever you find yourself,  I would LOVE to hear from you!

My BIG Babies!