
A Virtuous Woman

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I have been reading the book, LARGE FAMILY LOGISTICS; The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family, by Kim Brenneman.  I purchased the book a few months ago in an attempt to truly begin to organize and gain control of the all of the things that go into being a full-time, stay at home, homeschooling wife and mother and friend, and everything else that goes into my life.  I have recently been convicted in a few areas and I truly desire to set a better example for my children when it comes to order in the home, and simply being excellent at what God has called me to do…all of it!  My days are long, but not all of them are fruitful.  I absolutely hate to admit it, but some days I am just lazy! Then I wonder why the laundry has reproduced as if bunnies took up residence in the laundry room. 😀  The next few posts will tackle a couple of things I am learning and re-learning from this book, as well as from a few other resources I’ve managed to gather. This will include video excerpts as well as book excerpts and info from other blogs, and of course, passages from The Holy Bible. Speaking of the Bible, let’s start there! 😀

Proverbs 31 asks the question;

WOW!!! That’s not just a BIG question (meaning the pic on the post). but it’s a BIG question!!! As the mother of two teenage sons, it’s one I find myself asking more and more with each passing day.  Who can find one? Are you one? Am I? Are there any moms who are committed to raising their daughters to be virtuous women one day? Are there women who are committed to fighting the pull and tactics of the sinful culture we’re surrounded by, as well as fighting our own sinful lust and desires, in order to honor God and walk in holiness?  I used to say, “Where are the Titus 2 women who are supposed to teach the younger women how to love our husbands and live godly lives…?”  If you grew up in Christ without the aid of a mentor to model holiness and an acceptable life, and acceptable heart before you, can we determine in our own hearts to not leave the next generation of women who are growing in Christ in the same situation?  We can love the Lord with ALL our hearts, and ALL our soul, and ALL our minds.  I pray this video encourages you to turn away from the sins that separate us from God and turn our whole hearts to God…daily. We can be all that we were created to be… 😀